Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The new vacuum

So our old vacuum bit the dust. Dillon could not have been more excited to get a new vacuum. As we pulled into Wal Mart he said "FINALLY!!! We're at Wal Mart!!" I think he was more excited to help me pick out a new vacuum than he was for Christmas. He loves to have me vacuum at least 2 times a day and he likes to see all the "junk" that it collects since you can see everything it picks up when it picks it up.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Dillon & Ethan in their new Christmas jammies. They were so excited for Christmas the next morning.

Ethan is excited for his "Brainy Baby" from Santa.

Dillon got quite a few "Cars". Here is Mack.

Dillon loves his lap-top. He always says he is "looking online."

We had a good Christmas. It even snowed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, which is highly unusual for here.