Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The new vacuum

So our old vacuum bit the dust. Dillon could not have been more excited to get a new vacuum. As we pulled into Wal Mart he said "FINALLY!!! We're at Wal Mart!!" I think he was more excited to help me pick out a new vacuum than he was for Christmas. He loves to have me vacuum at least 2 times a day and he likes to see all the "junk" that it collects since you can see everything it picks up when it picks it up.


Natalie said...

That is so funny! Dillon can come to my house anytime and try out my vacuum! It will collect a lot of stuff, especially around Dax's high chair. Dillon would really like that.

Valeri said...

Wow - 2 times a day! You're WAY better than I am. My floors are lucky if they get vacuumed 2 times a week, or longer!

bkjones said...

Both of their faces are classic!! I love how excited Dillon is and how unexcited Ethan is!! So Cute!