Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Fun

We took the boys to the Eagle Mountain tree lighting ceremony last Friday. It was cold, but there were kids singing from a local high school, and then Santa came, which made it all worthwhile. The line to see him was insanely long, and we ran into our friends Jared and Jenny there, so Jared and I took Ethan and Gage, his boy, back to their house while Valerie and Jenny waited with Dillon and Hunter to see Santa.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I cant belive it....

Dillon started pre-school last week. That means next year he is in Kindergarten. This is happening too fast! Next thing I know he will be graduating from High School. Well, at least he loves it. He always talks about what he is learning and always has projects to show me after I get home. He even loves his (optional) homework. Let's hope that love of homework continues (as well as his love for yardwork, housework, etc).

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Time for updates.

Thought it was time to post some more pictures. Things are going well. We are just living life and enjoying the little moments.

Dillon on the 4th. It was fun to have everyone over for dinner and fireworks.

We took a small weekend trip to St. George and on the way home we stopped at Cove Fort. I thought Dillon would have liked sitting in the wagon, but apparently it was too much for him to handle. However, Ethan seemed fine.

Here we are on top of the fort. Ethan had kicked his shoe off, of course.

Dillon and Ethan driving the jeep on a walking trail near our house. Ethan loves riding in the jeep as Dillon drives. He keeps busy changing the radio stations.

There they go.

Monday, July 28, 2008

please do this!!

Thought this was kinda cool...

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

For Father's Day we went up the canyon, ate lunch and then went over to Cascade Springs. The boys loved being out and especially loved Cascade Springs.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Memorial Day, Ethan's B-day and more

Here we are over Memorial Day weekend at Silver Lake, up American Fork Canyon.

Mt Timpanogos-still alot of snow up there.

Dillon was having a blast throwing rocks in the lake. It was still a bit cold though.

Ethan and Valerie. Ethan was anxious to get down and play in the mud.

Back at camp.

Dillon and his new bike. Ethan crossing his path causing drama...

Ethan's first birthday!!! Eating at the park.

Going to blow out that candle.

Dillon got to it too fast.

Opening presents.


On a jeep ride, eating some lunch.

Looking down at the backside of Box Elder Peak.

Monday, May 19, 2008

up and running again....

For those of you who don't know, we have moved to Utah. I got a job with American Fork City and it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. Here are some of our more recent pics, but I haven't taken any since we have been here in Utah, so these are about a month old. I promise to do better. We have bought a new home, but wont move in until the beginning of June, so there will be lots of pics then.

Ethan looking out our bedroom window.

Ethan found the toilet paper. Now we can't keep him out of it.

Taking a nap, and finally,

going for a walk in their favorite wagon.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter & Stuff

Here are some pictures from Easter and from Dillon's birthday.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sorry for the long delay

Sorry for the long delay in posting, but our computer died and I have been slow to get a new one. Believe me, we have a TON of pictures to add. I havent forgotten about this, just in the process of getting a new computer.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The new vacuum

So our old vacuum bit the dust. Dillon could not have been more excited to get a new vacuum. As we pulled into Wal Mart he said "FINALLY!!! We're at Wal Mart!!" I think he was more excited to help me pick out a new vacuum than he was for Christmas. He loves to have me vacuum at least 2 times a day and he likes to see all the "junk" that it collects since you can see everything it picks up when it picks it up.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Dillon & Ethan in their new Christmas jammies. They were so excited for Christmas the next morning.

Ethan is excited for his "Brainy Baby" from Santa.

Dillon got quite a few "Cars". Here is Mack.

Dillon loves his lap-top. He always says he is "looking online."

We had a good Christmas. It even snowed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, which is highly unusual for here.