Monday, July 28, 2008

please do this!!

Thought this was kinda cool...

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.


bkjones said...

Okay here are some that come to mind..Everytime mom would run into the grocery store you would assign us all places to hind incase a robber came and took the car or everytime mom went into the store you would say..okay everyone get in your hiding places we need to practice!
Another thing that I remember is everytime you were sick and stayed home from school you would always try to use up all of the crayons and I would always make you draw me mermaids because you were so good at them!
...and of course I am still waiting for my bears head to be sewn back on! (and I think so are the paynes, brett & natalie)

Unknown said...

When you were about 6 years old you and I went to Marriott's Great America in Chicago. You rode almost all the rides however, you took several years off my life while on the Ferris Wheel. We were sitting in one of the benches and had just gone over the top and were stopped waiting for people to get on the ride. You spotted our friends who had come with us to Great America. You leaned forward so you could see them better and point them out to me. The bench we were sitting in rocked forward and since there were no seat belts and you were small enough to easily slide out under the retaining bar, my heart skipped several beats as I lunged for you so you wouldn't fall out.

One memory I have of you is when we were living in Wisconsin and everytime we went anywhere you always wanted to go to Grandma Olsen's house and visit. If you ever got anything new we had to go there to show her. Another memory is when Grandma Murdock came and you told me you were going shopping and I was NOT going with.(mostly because I wouldn't let her buy you anything you wanted) We still have a ton of memories.
Love ya,

BigRedHammer said...

I remember when we were in Romania visiting. We noticed all the hard-faced, strong-looking statues everywhere. We laughed about communism and how everything was work oriented... "The blood of the people oiling the machine of the bourgeois oppressors..." And how that should go in our cynical travel guide book we wanted to write.